9 research outputs found

    Flow Changes after Endovascular Treatment of a Wide-Neck Anterior Communicating Artery Aneurysm by using X-configured Kissing Stents (Cross-Kissing Stents) Technique

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    Endovascular treatment for a wide-neck anterior communicating artery (AcomA) aneurysm remains technically challenging. Stent-assisted embolization has been proposed as an alternative of treatment of complex aneurysms. The X-configuration double-stent-assisted technique was used to achieve successful coiling of wide-neck AcomA aneurysm. Implanted stent can alter intra-arterial flow. Follow-up angiograms 4 months later showed flow changes due to used X-technique of stents implantation and filling of the anterior cerebral artery from the opposite internal carotid artery

    Skeletal fluorosis from the point of view of an occupational exposure to fluorides in former Czechoslovakia

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    Electrolytic production of aluminium in former Czechoslovakia started in the year 1953 in the Žiar valley in the central Slovakia. However, till 1995 the hygienic conditions for health protection were not met in the factory. It underwent a reconstruction afterwards

    Funkční zobrazovaní korových evokovaných potenciálů při bolestivé a nebolestivé stimulaci u zdravých dobrovolníků a pacientů s chronickou bolestí

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    A close relationship between painful and non-painful (somatosensory) percepction was noticed already in the past centuries and led into development of many analgesic methods. Only basic neuroanatomical and neurophysiological research using animal models of nociception was able to shed more light on their proper mechanisms until the era of modern non- invasive imaging methods. The main aim of this thesis was to analyze non-invasively, in human volunteers and patients with chronic pain, spatiotemporal relations between brain evoked responses to painful (or aversive) and non-painful stimuli. In next step, to discuss the roles of different engaged mechanisms in found interactions and suggest recommendations for further research of pain. 4 experimental studies (3 in healthy volunteers and 1 in patients with failed back surgery syndrome) are presented. Using high-resolution EEG, phasic electrical stimulation of median, tibial or sural nerve(s), and source analysis of recorded data, modulations of all repersentative components of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) by several interfering conditions were analyzed. In healthy volunteers, effects of heterotopic repetitive heat pain administered to the right side of the body (ipsilateral to electrically stimulated nerve) were tested in Experiment 1 (compared to the...Skúsenosti s tesnými vzťahmi bolestivého a nebolestivého telesného vnímania viedli už v dávnejšej minulosti k vypracovaniu viacerých dodnes používaných analgetických metód. K vedeckému vysvetleniu ich pôsobenia a ďalšiemu vývoju ešte nedávno prispievali prevažne animálne neuroanatomické a neurofyziologické práce, skúmajúce prepojenie rôznych etáží nervového systému pri bolestivom a nebolestivom dráždení. Recentne sa limitácie spojené so zvieracími modelmi darí preklenovať pomocou sofistikovaných neinvazívnych zobrazovacích metód u humánnych probandov in vivo. Cieľom predkladanej práce je preskúmať u normálnych dobrovoľníkov a pacientov s alterovaným algickým vnímaním časopriestorové vzťahy odpovedí mozgovej kôry pri súčasnom bolestivom a nebolestivom somatickom dráždení. Následne interpretovať nájdené modulačné vplyvy v svetle súčasného poznania a navrhnúť ďalšie využitie nových zistení. Prezentované sú 3 experimentálne štúdie s účasťou zdravých dobrovoľníkov a 1 štúdia s účasťou pacientov s postdiscektomickým syndrómom liečených implantovaným miechovým stimulátorom (SCS). Pri všetkých boli zdrojovou analýzou vyhodnocované kôrové evokované potenciály (SEPy) získané zo záznamu EEG s vysokým rozlíšením (75-111 kanálov, vzorkovacia frekvencia 1024 Hz) po fázickej elektrickej stimulácii n. medianus, n. tibialis...Department of Normal, Pathological and Clinical Physiology (CANCELED 2015)Ústav normální, patologické a klinické fyziologie (ZRUŠEN 2015)3. lékařská fakultaThird Faculty of Medicin

    Functional imaging of cortical evoked potentials following painful and nonpainful stimulation in healthy volunteers and chronic pain patients

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    A close relationship between painful and non-painful (somatosensory) percepction was noticed already in the past centuries and led into development of many analgesic methods. Only basic neuroanatomical and neurophysiological research using animal models of nociception was able to shed more light on their proper mechanisms until the era of modern non- invasive imaging methods. The main aim of this thesis was to analyze non-invasively, in human volunteers and patients with chronic pain, spatiotemporal relations between brain evoked responses to painful (or aversive) and non-painful stimuli. In next step, to discuss the roles of different engaged mechanisms in found interactions and suggest recommendations for further research of pain. 4 experimental studies (3 in healthy volunteers and 1 in patients with failed back surgery syndrome) are presented. Using high-resolution EEG, phasic electrical stimulation of median, tibial or sural nerve(s), and source analysis of recorded data, modulations of all repersentative components of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) by several interfering conditions were analyzed. In healthy volunteers, effects of heterotopic repetitive heat pain administered to the right side of the body (ipsilateral to electrically stimulated nerve) were tested in Experiment 1 (compared to the..

    Functional imaging of cortical evoked potentials following painful and nonpainful stimulation in healthy volunteers and chronic pain patients

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    A close relationship between painful and non-painful (somatosensory) percepction was noticed already in the past centuries and led into development of many analgesic methods. Only basic neuroanatomical and neurophysiological research using animal models of nociception was able to shed more light on their proper mechanisms until the era of modern non- invasive imaging methods. The main aim of this thesis was to analyze non-invasively, in human volunteers and patients with chronic pain, spatiotemporal relations between brain evoked responses to painful (or aversive) and non-painful stimuli. In next step, to discuss the roles of different engaged mechanisms in found interactions and suggest recommendations for further research of pain. 4 experimental studies (3 in healthy volunteers and 1 in patients with failed back surgery syndrome) are presented. Using high-resolution EEG, phasic electrical stimulation of median, tibial or sural nerve(s), and source analysis of recorded data, modulations of all repersentative components of somatosensory evoked potentials (SEPs) by several interfering conditions were analyzed. In healthy volunteers, effects of heterotopic repetitive heat pain administered to the right side of the body (ipsilateral to electrically stimulated nerve) were tested in Experiment 1 (compared to the..